Contact Taylor County Courthouse: (304) 265-1401
214 W. Main Street; Grafton, WV 26354
The Sheriff of the county serves as its chief law enforcement officer, charged with the responsibility of policing the county and keeping the peace, including the power to make arrests. The Taylor County sheriff serves a 4 year term and may not serve more than two consecutive terms. It is required to be a full-time position in all counties except Class X. In counties that operate county jails, the Sheriff has responsibility for administration of the jail and custody of the inmates. In addition to duties related to law enforcement, the Sheriff also serves as the Treasurer of the county and collects all taxes levied by the county. To assist the Sheriff in the performance of his/her duties, law enforcement deputies, tax deputies and legal process deputies may be employed. Correctional officers may also be hired in those counties which have a county jail.
The Sheriff’s duties include:
Serve and execute all returns, notices and processes issued by the courts which must be served in the county
Act as bailiff in court proceedings
Enforce court orders
Administer transportation of prisoners, mental patients and extraditions
Administer the financial matters of adults who are unable to do so for themselves
Issue licenses to citizens who apply for a concealed weapons permit
Collect all state, county, municipal and school taxes; disburse money to appropriate agencies
Maintain all tax records
Enforce payment of delinquent taxes
Phone: 304-265-3428
Fax: 304-265-3016